Wednesday, February 09, 2005

It's Time To Fight

The day of the weak-kneed, cow-towing Democrat is dead.

The virtually certain incoming chairman of the Democratic National Committee rallied hundreds of young supporters, and a few he called “young at heart,” in a campaign-style appearance at a Washington nightspot within view of the Capitol. In his first public appearance since clinching the chairmanship, he gave a glimpse of the kind of uncompromising leadership he plans for the national party.

The Democrats “are a party of the future, while Republicans are the party of the past,” Dean said.

“We need to be proud to be Democrats,” said Dean, recalling the kind of exuberant appearances he made during 2003 when he came close to winning the Democratic presidential nomination before collapsing in early 2004 in Iowa.

“We have to never be afraid to say what we believe,” Dean said, as the crowd roared its approval. “Above all, we need to stand up for a different vision.”

Meanwhile, Wyatt continues daring someone to swing at him.

"We know when he came here, he said he wanted to be a uniter, not a divider," [Senate Minority Leader Harry] Reid told reporters on Capitol Hill, referring to comments Bush made in the 2000 presidential campaign.

"I'm beginning to think that those statements are just absolutely false."

Reid, a Nevada Democrat, made his comments in response to a document -- billed as a "research briefing" -- the Republican National Committee began distributing this week.

The document paints Reid as an "obstructionist" bent on blocking judicial nominees and raising taxes.


"I want the boys at the White House, the girls at the White House, the men and women at the White House, everyone to understand, I haven't lost one wink of sleep over the attack yesterday," Reid said.

"They're not going to frighten me. You know, they call me an obstructionist -- they're destructionists."

Reid then added:

From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!
