Neocon VS. Decepticon
The following is an occasional feature which will pit the leaders of Washington's "new conservative" movement against Cybertron's most feared villians. Remember: Your vote matters!
Name: Paul Wolfowitz
Title: Deputy Defense Secretary
Ambition: Conquest of Iraq
Transforms Into A Cool Gun: No
Defining Moment: Asked how many American troops have died in Iraq, Wolfowitz estimated the total was about 500 - more than 200 soldiers short.
Famous Quote: Refering to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki's claim that the occupation of Iraq could require several hundred thousand troops, Wolfowitz said the estimate was "wildly off the mark."
Name: Megatron
Title: Decepticon Leader
Ambition: Conquest of Cybertron
Transforms Into A Cool Gun: Yes
Defining Moment: During fierce fighting at Autobot city, Megatron dealt a fatal blow to rival Optimus Prime, costing him his own life in the process.
Famous Quote: Standing over the fallen Optimus Prime, "I would have waited an eternity for this. It's over, Prime."