Neocon VS. Decepticon
Friends, He hath descended from the right hand of the father and blessed us again...
The following is a (mostly) weekly feature which pits the leaders of Washington's "new conservative" movement against Cybertron's most feared villains. Remember: Your vote matters!
Name: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Title: Assistant to the President, Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney.
Transforms Into A Tank AND A Jet: Possibly a tank, but certainly not a jet.
Defining Moment: Libby is among those suspected of leaking Valerie Plame's status as a covert CIA operative, a crime punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
Personal Quote: Refering to his role at the Pentagon during the first Bush administration, "Shortly after I got there, we had the breakup of the Soviet Union and [the first] war with Iraq, so it turned out to be the perfect job."
Name: Blitzwing
Title: Triple-Changer
Transforms Into A Tank AND A Jet: Yes
Defining Moment: Blitzwing was part of the Decepticon raid that nearly destroyed Autobot city.
Personal Quote: "Come on down, Auto-Brat!"
And here are your previous installments of Neocon VS. Decpeticon:
Paul Wolfowitz
Richard Perle
Douglas Feith
Elliot Abrams
David Frum
John Ashcroft