Neocon VS Decepticon
Friends, the moment has again arrived...
The following is a (mostly) weekly feature which pits the leaders of Washington's "new conservative" movement against Cybertron's most feared villains. Remember: Your vote matters!
Name: Elliot Abrams
Title: Senior Director, National Security Council
Transforms Into A Crazed, SUV-Sized Grasshopper: No
Defining Moment: In 1991, Abrams was indicted by the Iran-Contra special prosecutor for giving false testimony before Congress in 1987 about his role in illicitly raising money for the Nicaraguan Contras. He pleaded guilty to two lesser offenses of withholding information to Congress in order to avoid a trial and a possible jail term. He was pardoned by President George H.W. Bush along with a number of other Iran-Contra defendants on Christmas night 1992 - from
Famous Quote: "I never said I had no idea about most of the things you said I said I had no idea about."
Name: Kickback
Title: Insecticon
Transforms Into A Crazed, SUV-Sized Grasshopper: Yes
Defining Moment: Kickback and his fellow Insecticons are reformatted by Unicron to become the Sweeps, a horde of scavengers loyal to Galvatron.
Famous Quote: "Delicious, eh Shrapnel?"
And here are your previous installments of Neocon VS. Decpeticon:
Paul Wolfowitz VS. Megatron
Richard Perle VS. Starscream
Douglas Feith VS. Devastator