Neocon VS. Decepticon
It's that time again...
The following is a (mostly) weekly feature which pits the leaders of Washington's "new conservative" movement against Cybertron's most feared villains. Remember: Your vote matters!
Name: Douglas Feith
Title: Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
Is The Result Of Six Construction Vehicles Combining To Become A Single, Giant Robot: No
Defining Moment: In Bob Woodward's Plan Of Attack, Feith is described by Gen. Tommy Franks as "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth."
Famous Quote: Feith defined the Oslo treaty between Israel and Palestine as, "one-sided Israeli concessions, inflated Palestinian expectations, broken Palestinian solemn understandings, Palestinian violence and American rewards for Palestinian recalcitrance."
Name: Devastator
Title: Constructicon
Is The Result Of Six Construction Vehicles Combining To Become A Single, Giant Robot: Yes
Defining Moment: In the midst of fierce fighting at Autobot city, Devastator breached the Autobot defenses and withstood an attack from the Dinobots.
Famous Quote: "Wait! The Constructicons form Devastator! The most powerful robot! We should rule!"
And here are your previous installments of Neocon VS. Decpeticon:
Wolfowitz VS. Megatron
Perle VS. Starscream