The Hammer Gets Nailed
My oh my but I am clever, with the puns, and the silliness and the...
WASHINGTON - The House ethics committee unanimously concluded Wednesday that Majority Leader Tom DeLay appeared to link political donations to a legislative favor and improperly persuaded U.S. aviation authorities to intervene in a Texas political dispute.
The committee’s findings were an extraordinary second rebuke in six days for one of the nation’s most partisan political leaders and most successful money-raisers. The Texas Republican has long been known in the Capitol as “The Hammer.”
The committee of five Democrats and five Republicans reached no conclusions on an allegation that DeLay violated Texas campaign finance rules. Instead, the panel delayed action pending an investigation by state authorities. Three DeLay associates were indicted last month in that probe.
DeLay said he considered the complaint against him dismissed, but accepted the committee’s findings.
“For years, Democrats have hurled relentless personal attacks at me, hoping to tie my hands and smear my name. All have fallen short, not because of insufficient venom, but because of insufficient merit.”
"An extraordinary second rebuke in six days" and DeLay is talking about "insufficient merit?"
Will DeLay have to kill someone to earn a censure?
Click on the story to learn more about why DeLay is dick (and what, specifically, was done to earn those two rebukes.)