Wednesday, May 19, 2004

99 Problems But A Bitch Ain't One

What Your Media Should Look Like,
According To The A. Reynolds Program.

This comes via The Man In Grey himself (who got it from alicublog.) And, considering that Atrios and Mr. Edroso have already taken the A. Reynolds program apart for suggesting that unless the entire media conforms to its particular world view, some sort of revolution will occur, allow yours truly to address this quote, linked to by the Reynolds program but authored by A.M. Rosenthal.

Since the latest torture story, many editors have failed to present background stories about the millions killed by Saddam.

They worry about being accused of minimizing the brutalization of Iraqi prisoners by Americans, if they recall in print the masses of people Saddam slaughtered.

These journalists are truly embarrassing.

Taking into account that I have yet to see this headline in an American newspaper, "Abu Ghraib Scandal Proves US Worse Than Saddam," where is the evidence that Americans need the kind of perspective Mr. Rosenthal believes these "background stories" will provide? Does he simply want to debate which is the worse death: electrocution or suffocation via sleeping bag? No. More likely this is just sheer nonsense meant to distract us from the fact that President Bush had knowledge of the prisoner abuse as early as last year. So in that spirit, I add:

Since the latest jobs report, many editors have failed to present background stories about the millions of jobs created by Clinton.

They worry about being accused of minimizing the "economic recovery" engineered by the Bush administration, if they recall in print the masses of jobs created under Clinton.

These journalists are truly embarrassing.
