In Memory
Previous Posts
- Neocon VS. Decepticon It's that time again... Th...
- Why Should You Care About My Opinion? Answer: Yo...
- So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday President Bus...
- The Sound And The Fuhrer Tucker Carlson is at it ...
- And We're Back!!! Apologies, apologies, apologies...
- Soledad O'Brien, Republican Hack? Part II From to...
- Soledad O'Brien, Republican Hack? From Tuesday's ...
- Sounding The Horns Of Moria "A Small Victory" Ta...
- Proof Of Liberal Bias On College Campuses Hofstr...
- Afghanistan What? Bin Laden Who? If Secretary of ...
Neocon VS Decepticon
- Paul Wolfowitz VS Megatron
- Richard Perle VS Starscream
- Douglas Feith VS Devastator
- Eliiot Abrams VS Kickback
- David Frum VS Rumble
- John Ashcroft VS Soundwave
- Scooter Libby VS Blitzwing
- James Woolsey VS Trypticon
- Newt Gingrich VS Shockwave
- Karl Rove VS Galvatron
Hits & Disses
- Alabama Christian Voter Guide
- things fall apart Terror Alert Chart
- The "Back To The Future" Theory
- False Prophets
- New And Improved Christ
- Effective Campaign Commercials
- Hack Down!
- I Feel Holy!
- John Kerry Is The Devil
- Devil Kerry VS Zell Miller
- Ehrlich & Steele: Serial Exaggerators
- Schwarzeneggers Top Five

Form Voltron!
Lion Force
Vehicle Force
- Roger Ailes
- Talking Points Memo
- Matthew Yglesias
- BartCop
- Kevin Drum
- TBogg
- Daily Howler
- The Talent Show
- James Wolcott
- Sadly, No!
- World O'Crap
- Counterspin Central
- Tapped
- Oliver Willis