The Sound And The Fuhrer
Tucker Carlson is at it again. The co-host of CNN's Crossfire has made a habit of criticizing for a pair of ads, submitted in a contest which netted over 1,500 entries, that compared President Bush to Hitler. Here's Tucker from yesterday's episode of Crossfire, suggesting that because George Soros helps to fund, Mr. Soros has therefore compared Bush to Hitler, and is thus representative of extremism in the Democratic party.
CARLSON: The biggest fund raiser for Democratic causes in the United States, George Soros, compared the president to Hitler. Nancy Pelosi, your leader, accuses him of being responsible for the deaths of servicemen in Iraq. You see no extremism on the left?
Nevermind the blatant disingenuousness and misleading nature of Carlson's statement; more interesting is that just last month, and in the finest traditions of the pot calling the kettle black, Mr. Carlson himself compared Democrats to Nazis.
CARLSON: Now, Tad, as you know, part of what it means to be Democrat is to count people by race, much like the Nazis did.
So Tucker, seen any extremism on the right lately?