Summer Kampf 2
Update on Tucker "Democrats are Nazis" Carlson.
This is George Will in today's Washington Post.
WILL: But if any Americans want to be governed by politicians who short-circuit complex discussions by recklessly imputing racism to those who differ with them, such Americans do not usually turn to the Republican choice in our two-party system.
But increasingly they do, Mr. Will. In fact, Republicans have been crying reverse racism since the late eighties. Entire careers (see: Dinesh D'Souza) have been built on the idea that the white male is this most discriminated against faction in today's society.
Only now, perhaps emboldened by Secretary of Genius Karl Rove's "hit 'em where they're strong" strategy, conservatives are throwing terms like "Nazi" at liberals with the kind of carefree-abandon commonly seen only in puppies and small children.